In our portfolio and on our website in general, you will see a large number of photos of tattoos that we did in our tattoo parlor in Prague. We never use:
Foreign photos
Photos of tattoos that our tattoo artists did before they came to tattoo with us.
Also, we don't try to choose only the best tattoo photos because every tattoo is important to us and we try to do it with all our efforts. We want you to see our tattoos as they are and as they will remain on our customers forever.

The average age of tattoo artists in our tattoo studio is 27 years old
The average experience of our tattoo artists is 6 years
We are no rookies and each of us has thousands of tattoos done.
In addition, we are a really tight team, which means that we exchange experiences with each other effectively. Once every few years we recruit new taters and train them hard before they get to the customer. Just look at our works. We are not a group of co-workers, we are a team of professionals.

The cost of a tattoo is a complex question that involves many factors. However, we try to clarify these factors so that you can get a rough estimate of the price. To achieve this, check out this section of our site especially for smaller tattoos. Here you can find information about how much your tattoo could cost.

The very process of healing a fresh tattoo with today's technologies is nothing complicated. Just follow the simple rules and your tattoo will heal in no time. In this link you will find both detailed instructions and general advice on how to care for your tattoo so that it remains in good quality even after many years.
